ESP8266 ESP-01 Programming Adapter
I started to invetigate a little bit in the ESP8266 ESP-01 WiFi board and I hate to have loose wires cluttering my workspace… I demand a cleaner one, hehe…
So I decided to build a little breadboard programming adapter. This is what I have come up with so far:
I uploaded the blink sketch and Continue Reading →
LEDs For Beginners – Simple Wiring and Calculation
One of the first projects you probably want to make with some electronic components is to make something glow. Glowing stuff is allways nice. 😉 Maybe you allready fried some LEDs by connecting them directly to a power source… At least I did when I began exploring electronics. Ups, the LED is gone… 😉
“A LED and a battery going to a pub…”
A very simple LED circuit looks like this:
You allways need a resistor before the LED because if there is none the current, that flows will destroy the LED.
Since life isn’t that simple there are ton of different resistor values Continue Reading →